Image Source:[Google Search]

What would you do if you were dating a girl whose 7 ex-boyfriends want to kill you and they happen to have superpowers...and oh,they're EVIL!???

Maybe you can take some pointers from Scott Pilgrim, this movie is not your usual romantic/superhero comedy. Based upon Bryan O'Malley's graphic novels---apart from the story being fun, witty and fresh the movie was uniquely made, it was like elements of a graphic novel and movies were combined to make a... GraNoVie??? lol I just made that up!

Of course, the amazing Michael Cera plays Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers was played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead (doesn't she have a shorter screen name?)

It's cool, I'm sure you can enjoying watching it with your friends over pizza or even with your siblings...but if you've seen it, don't be shy and tell me what ya think!

Here's the trailer:

video: from