Image: via Google Image search

Tomorrow is Sunday, it excites me and scares me at the same time. I love Sundays because everyone is just relaxing and chillin' yet I don't like it not because the next day is Monday but because Sundays gives me that nostalgic feeling that just makes me want to bawl my eyes out.

I don't know how you spend your Sundays, but growing up I always remember old songs being played and I always end up missing everyone even if I'm staring at them...

Anyways the point of this blog is go back in time with the music of the amazing Edith Piaf. When my sister told me about the movie La Vie en Rose, a movie about Edith's life played by Marion Cotillard ---it made me listen to her music even if I can't understand the french language. A bit of info about her, Edith Piaf was a French singer and an icon, most of her songs are ballads, she died at 47 due to liver cancer.

Here are some of her music that you can listen through the awsome Youtube ^_^:


Isn't she a wonder? ^_^

You can listen to more of her music online, I usually go to Youtube.